Canadian Government Ups Tar Sands Advertising


Now it would be nice for me to post about something besides the Alberta Tar Sands (and I will very soon), but you can’t make this stuff up. In light of Barack Obama having to make a decision about the XL Pipeline this year, the Canadian Government has doubled its advertising budget. Who would’ve thought that you need to launch a massive advertising campaign for a huge deposit of one of the most vital natural resources on the planet? Well, just ask the European Union, which has officially categorized Tar Sands as separate from conventional crude oil due to the higher resulting greenhouse gas emissions. The Canadian Government considers this to be: “Discriminatory…not based on science and it would potentially hurt Canada’s ability to access markets for its resources” (Goldenberg 2013). Hilarious.

Check out Suzanne Goldenberg’s great article in The Guardian here:

Oh, and that picture is of Joe Oliver, Canadian Minster of Natural Resources. Good guy…..

Source: “Canadian Government Doubles Advertising Spend on Tar Sands”. Suzanne Goldenberg. The Guardian. 16 May 2013.

Image: Oil Change International